
This blog is organized by members of the Network Action Team on FASD Prevention from a Women’s Health Determinants Perspective (pNAT), and has financial support from the Canada FASD Research Network. Its purpose is to share news, research findings, promising programming and perspectives on FASD prevention. We include material on Canadian perspectives and developments on FASD prevention, and international work as well. Our hope is by sharing this wisdom, that discussion and action on FASD prevention will be sparked around the globe.

The pNAT has members from all regions of Canada and includes researchers, service providers, policy advisors, community based activists and women with lived experience. We meet monthly through webmeetings to discuss the issues, praxis and research featured in this blog. We are grateful for the opportunity to engage in such stimulating, collective, multisectoral discussions, and hope the sharing of our perspectives and this evidence is helpful.

To learn more about FASD prevention work in Canada, please see:

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